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Pecan Shortbread Cookies

Pecan Shortbread Cookies


Pecan Shortbread Cookies – Welcome, baking enthusiasts to my recipe, for Pecan Shortbread Cookies! These cookies are a combination of crispy pecans and buttery sweetness that have become a staple in our household. Made with ingredients like butter, all-purpose flour and the star ingredient. Pecans, these cookies are suitable for any occasion.

Pecan Shortbread Cookies

I still vividly recall the first time I whipped up a batch of these cookies. It happened on a rainy afternoon when I sought solace in the art of baking. As the captivating aroma of toasted pecans wafted through the kitchen I knew I had stumbled upon something. Once they emerged from the oven, golden and irresistibly tempting my husband and child couldn’t resist indulging. They instantly became a treat requested frequently for family gatherings and quiet evenings alike.

What makes this Pecan Shortbread Cookies truly special?

What sets these Pecan Shortbread Cookies apart? Firstly they strike a balance between nuttiness and sweetness. Secondly their texture is simply divine. Delightfully crisp at the edges while melting tenderly in your mouth. Lastly their versatility is remarkable. Equally delightful when paired with a cup of tea or as an addition, to any holiday cookie assortment.

Pecan Shortbread Cookies

What You Need To Make This Pecan Shortbread Cookies Recipe?

Chopped Pecans: These aren’t just nuts; they’re the heart and soul of our cookies! Toasting them is like unlocking a treasure chest of flavors. As they turn golden in the oven, their rich, buttery aroma promises something special in every bite. Remember, it’s not just about adding crunch; it’s about infusing love in every cookie.

Unsalted Butter: Think of butter as the canvas for our cookie masterpiece. We’re using unsalted because we’re artists of flavor, controlling every pinch of salt with precision. This butter isn’t just an ingredient; it’s the creamy, melt-in-your-mouth magic that holds our cookie universe together.

Confectioners’ Sugar: This is the fairy dust of our cookie world. Itโ€™s finer and lighter than regular sugar, which means it blends into our butter with ease, creating a mixture thatโ€™s smooth as silk and sweet as a lullaby.

Vanilla Extract: A dash of vanilla is like the whisper of a secret ingredient. It doesn’t shout; it subtly sings, complementing the nuts and butter with its warm, aromatic embrace.

Kosher Salt: A scant ยพ teaspoon may not seem like much, but it’s the unsung hero balancing our sweet symphony. It’s like a pinch of love, enhancing all the flavors, making them dance together in perfect harmony.

All-Purpose Flour: The backbone of our cookies, flour brings it all together. Remember to spoon and level it โ€“ treat it with care, and it will give your cookies the perfect structure, a tender crumb that’s just right.

Egg Yolk: This little golden gem adds richness and color, binding our cookie dough like a promise, ensuring every pecan and grain of sugar finds its place in the delicious mosaic weโ€™re creating.

Demerara or Turbinado Sugar: This isn’t just sugar; it’s the final, sparkling touch. Rolling our dough in these golden crystals gives our cookies a jeweled edge, a crunch thatโ€™s as delightful to the ears as it is to the taste buds.

Pecan Shortbread Cookies

Steps To Make Pecan Shortbread Cookies:

Step 1: First things first, let’s wake up those pecans! Spread them out on a baking sheet and give them a quick toast in the oven at 350ยฐF. It’s like giving them a little spa treatment โ€“ they come out fragrant and even more delicious. Let them cool down; they’ve worked hard.

Step 2: Grab your mixer and letโ€™s get creamy! Whip that softened butter with the confectioners’ sugar, vanilla, and salt. Weโ€™re looking for it to get smooth and a bit fluffy โ€“ think of it like making a cloud of sweet, buttery goodness.

Step 3: Now, gently welcome the flour into the mix. Weโ€™re not looking for a workout here, just a gentle blend until itโ€™s all cozy and combined. Then, it’s time to invite the pecans to the party. Mix them in until they’re evenly distributed โ€“ think of it as tucking them into a buttery blanket.

Step 4: Here comes the fun part. Dust your counter with flour and coax your dough into a squared log. Picture a little doughy treasure chest, about 1ยฝ to 2 inches in size. Wrap it up and let it chill in the fridge. This is its beauty sleep โ€“ at least an hour, or even overnight.

Step 5: Once your dough has had its rest, it’s showtime. Mix a little egg yolk with water, and give your dough log a nice egg wash. This is like its morning shower. Then roll it in demerara sugar โ€“ it’s like dressing it up in a sparkly coat.

Step 6: Preheat your oven again, line your baking sheets, and letโ€™s slice! Aim for ยฝ-inch thick cookies. Lay them out on the sheets, giving them some personal space. Into the oven they go for about 18-20 minutes. Youโ€™re looking for a golden glow, like a little sunbathing session.

Step 7: Once theyโ€™re golden and gorgeous, let them cool for a bit on the sheets. They need a moment to gather themselves. Then transfer them to a rack to cool completely. This is the hard part โ€“ waiting to eat them!

Step 8: And there you have it, your very own Pecan Shortbread Cookies! Each bite is a little piece of home, a warm hug from the inside. Enjoy them with a cup of tea, share them with loved ones, or sneak a few for a midnight snack.

Pecan Shortbread Cookies


Before you begin combining your ingredients take your butter to the next level by browning it. Slowly melt the butter in a saucepan, over medium heat keeping a watch as it transitions from liquid to frothy and eventually turns into a golden brown hue with a delightful nutty scent. This browning process imparts a richness of flavor that’s simply irresistible. It enhances the buttery goodness and perfectly complements the toasted pecans.

Just remember to allow the browned butter to cool slightly before incorporating it into your recipe. It’s an adjustment. It elevates the cookies to something truly special introducing layers of toasted and caramel-like nuances that will undoubtedly make your Pecan Shortbread Cookies the topic of conversation, at any gathering!

Pecan Shortbread Cookies

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I make the dough ahead of time?

Of course! You can definitely prepare the dough in advance. It’s perfect, for making ahead since you can chill it overnight.

How do I store these cookies?

To keep these cookies fresh simply store them in a container at room temperature for up to a week.

Can I use other nuts instead of pecans?

If you don’t have pecans, on hand feel free to use walnuts or almonds. However I must say that pecans truly bring out the flavor in this recipe.

Pecan Shortbread Cookies
Pecan Shortbread Cookies

Pecan Shortbread Cookies

Experience the medley of flavors and textures with these Pecan Shortbread Cookies. Each cookie is a work of art combining the crunch of toasted pecans, with the velvety smoothness of buttery shortbread enhanced by a touch of confectioners’ sugar sweetness. The luscious and melt-in-your-mouth texture beautifully contrasts with the rusticity of demerara sugar crystals sprinkled on top. This recipe takes you on a journey to the heartwarming pleasures of baking transforming every bite into a cherished memory and an homage to timeless comforting tastes. Ideal for afternoon indulgence or as a star attraction on your holiday dessert table these cookies are more, than baked goods; they embody love and tradition in every delightful morsel.
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Course: Dessert
Cuisine: American
Keyword: Pecan Shortbread Cookies
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
To chill the dough: 1 hour
Total Time: 35 minutes
Servings: 24 cookies


  • ยพ c chopped pecans
  • 10 tbsp unsalted butter softened
  • ยฝ c confectioners’ sugar
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • Scant ยพ tsp kosher salt
  • 1ยฝ c all-purpose flour plus more for dusting
  • 1 egg yolk beaten
  • ยผ c demerara or turbinado sugar Note: You’ll use less than this, but you need extra to roll the dough in.


  • Preheat your oven to 350ยฐF. Spread the pecans evenly on a baking sheet. Toast them for 5 minutes. Allow them to cool down.
  • In a mixer combine softened butter, confectioners’ sugar, vanilla extract and kosher salt until you achieve a smooth consistency.
  • Mix in the flour until it is well combined add the toasted pecans.
  • Transfer the dough onto a floured surface. Shape it into a log. Place it in the refrigerator to chill for an hour.
  • Preheat your oven to 350ยฐF. Line your baking sheets, with parchment paper for cleanup.
  • Whisk an egg yolk with an amount of water. Brush this mixture over the dough. Roll it in demerara sugar.
  • Slice the dough into slices that are approximately half an inch thick. Place these slices, on your baking sheets. Bake them for about 18 to 20 minutes or until they turn golden brown.
  • Allow your cookies to cool on the baking sheets for a few minutes before transferring them onto a cooling rack to completely cool down.


Turning our loved Pecan Shortbread Cookies into a gluten-free treat isn’t just, about making a few changes. It’s like performing a magical reinvention! Replace the flour with your gluten-free flour blend (I suggest using one that includes xanthan gum to maintain the perfect texture). The key here is to embrace the spirit of experimentation. Gluten-free baking is a dance, unpredictable but incredibly rewarding. Remember, each type of flour has its own unique qualities so get a feel, for the dough as you progress. It might be more delicate. That’s where its charm truly shines!
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