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Blueberry Cookies

Blueberry Cookies


Blueberry Cookies – Experience the combination of tangy flavors with our homemade Blueberry Cookies. This recipe is famous, among my family and friends as it handily brings together blueberries and satiny buttery cookies to create a heartwarming and invigorating dessert. The special ingredients of blueberries and a hint of vanilla give these cookies a twist ensuring that every bite is bursting with flavor.

Blueberry Cookies

I still remember the first time I made these Blueberry Cookies on a sunny summer afternoon. I desired to construct something that caught the spirit of the season. As the delightful aroma of baked cookies filled the air both my husband and child eagerly awaited their taste. The smiles on their faces and how quickly those cookies disappeared confirmed without a doubt that this recipe was a winner!

What makes this Blueberry Cookies truly special?

What sets these Blueberry Cookies apart? Firstly they are made using blueberries which guarantee an explosion of flavor in every single bite. The addition of blueberry jam adds the right amount of sweetness and tanginess perfectly complementing the soft buttery base. These cookies are more than delights; they represent an experience. Reminding us all of the summer days and the simple joy found in homemade desserts.

Blueberry Cookies

What You Need To Make This Blueberry Cookies Recipe?

Fresh Blueberries: These delightful little gems of summer take center stage in our creations. They are not your blueberries; they are the essence of our jam. Picture them simmering, gradually releasing their tangy juices transforming into a luscious glossy jam that will beautifully swirl through our cookies.

Granulated White Sugar: Sweetness is crucial. Achieving the balance is key. This sugar not only adds sweetness to the mix; it also contributes to that flawless brown finish that makes our cookies absolutely irresistible.

Lemon Juice: Here’s our touch! A splash of lemon juice enhances the blueberry flavor lending a tartness to our jam that cuts through the sweetness. It’s, like a burst of sunshine in every bite.

Vanilla: Consider vanilla as the embrace that brings all the flavors together harmoniously. Its comforting and floral undertones infuse our cookies with a sense of homecomingโ€”an homage to baking traditions.

Cornstarch: Our hero, in thickening! Even just a small amount works wonders in transforming our blueberry mixture from a sauce into a jam providing it with the perfect consistency to meld flawlessly with our cookie dough.

All-Purpose Flour: The backbone of our cookiesโ€”providing structure and chewiness that make them truly satisfying. We handle the dough, with care carefully measuring and smoothing it to achieve the texture of our cookies.

Baking Powder & Salt: These ingredients play a role. Baking powder gives our cookies a fluffy texture by helping them rise. As for salt it adds a touch of magic that enhances all the flavors reminding us that even small details can make a difference.

Unsalted Butter: It is the key to achieving the texture of our cookies. Creamed to perfection it creates a foundation that’s both creamy and airy providing the backdrop for our blueberry jam to shine.

Egg: Our binder. It brings everything together while adding moisture and richness ensuring each cookie delivers a delightful experience.

Granulated Sugar for Topping (Optional): For those who enjoy some sparkle and crunchiness. Sprinkling a bit on top before baking adds a crust that turns each cookie into an absolute joy.

Blueberry Cookies

Steps To Make Blueberry Cookies:

Let’s start with the Blueberry Jam recipe:

Step 1: In a pot, over low heat combine blueberries, sugar, lemon juice, vanilla and cornstarch. Cook for 20 to 22 minutes until the mixture thickens. For some texture mash blueberries through cooking. Allow the jam to cool completely before using.

Onto the Cookies:

Step 2: Preheat your oven to 350ยฐF. Line your baking sheets with parchment paper.

Step 3: In a bowl whisk together flour, baking powder and salt.

Step 4: In another bowl cream together butter and sugar until it becomes fluffy. Add the egg and vanilla to this mixture. Continue mixing until it turns pale and fluffy.

Step 5: Gradually incorporate the dry ingredients into the mixture. Gently fold in the jam.

Step 6: Shape the dough into balls. Place them on the baking sheets. If desired, sprinkle some sugar on top.

Step 7: Bake for 10 minutes, before allowing them to cool on a rack.

Blueberry Cookies


To give your cookies a burst of flavor you might want to consider adding a small amount of finely grated lemon zest to the blueberry jam while it’s cooking. The citrusy hints from the lemon zest will subtly enhance the tartness and sweetness of the blueberries giving a more refreshing twist to the overall flavor. This small addition can truly make a distinction taking your cookie’s blueberry adventure to heights, with every morsel. Just remember not to overdo it โ€“ about half a teaspoon of lemon zest should be enough, for the jam. This simple useful trick is tied to brand anyone who tries these Blueberry Cookies!

Blueberry Cookies

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use frozen blueberries for the jam?

Definitely! Using frozen blueberries is perfectly fine. Just make sure to thaw them and remove any liquid before using.

How long can I store these cookies?

You can store these cookies in an airtight container at room temperature for a week. They will still taste fresh.

Can I make the dough ahead of time?

Absolutely! You can prepare the dough ahead of time. Refrigerate it for, up to three days before baking. Just remember to let it come back, to room temperature before scooping it onto baking sheets.

Blueberry Cookies
Blueberry Cookies

Blueberry Cookies

Experience the combination of fresh blueberries and the rich buttery goodness in our homemade Blueberry Cookies. Each cookie is crafted with care blending jam into a tender and golden brown dough. As they bake you’ll be greeted by the aroma of vanilla and berries promising not a dessert but a moment of pure blissful escape. These cookies strike the balance, between softness and a slight crunch embodying the essence of summer freshness and cozy comfort. They are an addition, to your baking repertoire. With every bite you’ll be transported to a world where flavors gracefully dance on your palate โ€“ truly celebrating the art of sophisticated baking.
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Course: Dessert
Cuisine: American
Keyword: Blueberry Cookies
Prep Time: 40 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 50 minutes
Servings: 28 cookies


For the Blueberry Jam:

  • 12 ounces 340 grams fresh blueberries
  • ยผ cup 50 grams granulated white sugar
  • 1 tbsp 15 milliliters lemon juice
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • ยฝ tbsp 4 grams cornstarch

For the Cookies:

  • 2 ยฝ cups 313 grams all-purpose flour, spooned and leveled
  • ยฝ tsp baking powder
  • ยฝ tsp salt
  • 1 cup 224 grams unsalted butter, softened
  • 1 ยผ cups 250 grams granulated white sugar
  • 1 egg at room temperature
  • 1 tbsp vanilla
  • ยผ cup 50 grams granulated sugar for sprinkling over the cookies (optional)


For the Blueberry Jam:

  • Start by combining blueberries, sugar, lemon juice, vanilla and cornstarch in a pot placed over medium-low heat.
  • Allow the mixture to cook for 20 to 22 minutes until it thickens remembering to mash some of the blueberries halfway through.
  • Once done cooking let the jam cool down completely.

For the Cookies:

  • Begin by preheating your oven to 350ยฐF (175ยฐC) and lining your baking sheets with parchment paper.
  • In one bowl combine flour, baking powder and salt together.
  • In another bowl cream together butter and sugar until it becomes fluffy. Then add an egg and vanilla extract mixing everything well.
  • Gradually incorporate the ingredients into the mixture until they are fully combined.
  • Next, gently fold in the cooled jam into the dough mixture.
  • Scoop out portions of dough. Place them onto your baking sheets. If desired you can sprinkle some sugar on top well.
  • Bake, for 10 minutes. After removing them from the oven allow them to cool on the sheet for 5 minutes before transferring them to a cooling rack to cool completely.


Transforming our Blueberry Cookies recipe into a gluten-free version is not only possible but also a delightful adventure! To ensure everyone can savor these treats simply replace the all-purpose flour with your gluten-free flour blend. Look for a blend that can be used as a one-to-one substitute to seamlessly convert the recipe. Consider the blend you choose; some blends include xanthan gum, which helps bind ingredients and replicates the role of gluten. If your chosen gluten-free blend doesn’t have xanthan gum you might want to add a quarter teaspoon of it to achieve that cookie texture. The key is to maintain the essence of the recipe while making it accessible, to everyone. By making this impactful change the Blueberry Cookies will continue to be a delightful celebration of flavors that cater even to those following a gluten-free diet.
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